VE280 Elem. Programming

Basic Info


  • 8 Reviews for small RC
  • 2 Reviews for big RC

Here’s all the slides in pdf form, for md source files, please refer to the repo.

IndexTopicsPDFCredit To
1Linux, Compilation, Coding StyleRC 1Yinchen
2Developing Programs, C++ BasicsRC 2Kezhi
3Abstraction, Recursion, Function PtrRC 3Qian
4I/O, Program Args, TestingRC 4Yinchen
 Midterm ReviewPart1, Part2, Part3All TAs
5Inheritence, InterfacesRC 5Kezhi
6Invariants, Dynamic Memory, OverloadRC 6Qian
7Deep Copy, Dynamic ResizingRC 7Yinchen
8Linked-List, ContainerRC 8Kezhi
 Final ReviewPart1, Part2, Part3All TAs

Hope the course can be better and better in the future!

p.s. Future TAs may contact Prof. Manuel Charlemagne, who strongly encourages students to use focs gitea :+1: