Hamster’s Teaching Page

Hi! I’m Yinchen Ni (Hamster), this is my teaching page!

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Teaching Experience

Course assisted in previous semesters:

2021 FallVV186 (MATH1860J) Honors Mathematics II125
2021 FallVV115 (MATH1150J) Calculas I24
2022 SpringVE203 (MATH2030J) Discrete Math107
2022 SummerVG101 (ENGR1010J) Intro. to Computer Programming78
2022 FallVE280 (ECE2800J) Elem. Programing132
2023 SummerVE203 (MATH2030J) Discrete Math69

Future Plans on the Page

  • Add Introduction to JI TA Works
  • Add gallerys, including:
    • my offline teaching in the classroom
    • online teaching using feishu
    • academic related activities (integration bee, linux install party)
  • Ask more JI TAs to review this page

Contribute to the Page

I welcome any comments or feasible suggestions you may have to help me improve. Thank you in advance for your support! You may:

About the template

Just the Class is a GitHub Pages template developed for the purpose of quickly deploying course websites. It extends the popular Just the Docs theme, which provides a robust and thoroughly-tested foundation for your website. Just the Docs include features such as:

Please refer to Just the Class on Github for more details.